2. No Complaining for 7 days.
3. Start taking full responsibility for everything that is happening in your life.
4. Commit to making 10x amount you are earning right now: Income $1M/year & Assets $10M
Rich people believe
I create my life
Play the money game to win
Admire & model other rich, success people
Bigger than their problems
Act in spite of fear
Get uncomfortable
Unsuccessful people believe
Life happens to me ie. They play role of victim: blame/justify/complain
Play defensive game - not to loose
Resent all rich & successful people
Are smaller than their problems
Let fear stop them
Stay in comfort zone
Universal Law = What you focus on expands!
Why get rich?
Lifestyle, longevity (will live longer), contribution, who you have to become in character/mindset.
Yes and yes - I am doing it!!
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