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I am abundant, I am manifesting

Desire abundance? Try this.....

from Wealth & Wisdom

I AM statements are THE most powerful statements you will ever make about yourself and to the Universe. You actually manifest on a vibratory level (first level for manifesting anything) by the statements you make about yourself. The Universe is always listening and always giving you what you believe to be true about you. The moment you utter the words, "I am abundant" you set in motion a series of events and opportunities that will allow for your statement to come true. However, if using I AM statements in such a way that promotes lack in your life, the Universe will again bring you events and situations for you to manifest lack.
Consider starting today, exercises that will assist you in experiencing abundance, this can take the form of repeating a mantra out loud.
A good example for manifesting prosperity are the following mantra's :
I AM manifesting large sums of money, free and clear, here and now.
I AM receiving with ease and grace here and now always and in all ways.
Wealth & Wisdom blessings,
Mooi's Law of Attraction Vision Board - I Am Woman

1 comment:

  1. Hey

    Take a look at this video from my friend Heather. She has overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles to live her dream life, inspiring others, traveling, attracting wealth, a great relationship and being happy.

    Watch this video, be inspired and NEVER let any obstacles prevent you from loving and enjoying your incredible life… No excuses:

    ==> Go here to watch the video

    Kind regards,

    Andrew Rusbatch
