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How I started making vision boards

I remember the day I decided to have a go at making my first movie board. I spent most of the morning trying to decide what the hell I was going to make a movie about. I really had no idea where to start and to top it off I had no idea about using movie maker software. But I did have determination and plenty of enthusiasm.
So where did I begin? Well mindmovies are not new to me as I had bookmarked quite a few - some I use regularly for inspiration, some for meditation and others I keep bookmarked so that I can revisit in the future. Funnily enough when I revisit some of the bookmarked 'law of attraction movies' they are actually making some sense now. Anyway on with the vision board story.
The Complete Vision Board Kit: Using the Power of Intention and Visualization to Achieve Your DreamsSome of the music really gets you going and some, well it does not rock my world - so I set about looking through some of our cd collections and also trolling around on YouTube to see what did rock my world. It's like looking through an old photo box or memory box - you easily get lost in memories and stories about when I first heard that song, or I was doing this then...there is an abundance of music that help you put your vision together.
It's all about gathering all your ingredients together first before you set about moulding your masterpiece. Your ingredients consist of images, affirmations, music and software to glue it all together.
Making a vision movieboard helps me to focus on where I am going. I use it as a debriefing tool because when I am making a movie I forget all time, I become immersed in the creation itself and consequently I am oblivious to the 'now' reality. Being creative pushes you to another world, it opens up your learning capacity and when you pause to look back to check your progress, you amaze yourself. We really are brilliant creatures - so I spoil myself as often as possible and look forward to making these weekly.
And along the way I find some great tools to use. One of the affirmation boards I made using Animoto - you can make some free short movies. They also have great pricing plans for longer movies.
There is a wealth of information and vision board packages available out there. Start one today and keep adding to it.
Looking for inspiration on how to create a vision board then please share some free tools at and

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