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I am really really rich - mindset


Your money blueprint will determine your financial success.

You can change your money blueprint.

One of the ways to change your money blueprint is to adopt wealthy ways of thinking.

They include taking full accountability for everything that happens in your life, especially your financial life.

Playing the money game to win.

I want you to commit to abundance instead of just survival and security. Commit to creating wealth not just for yourself but also to assist others.

Admire, bless and study rich and successful people.

Always think in terms of both instead of either/or. You know you can have your cake and eat it too.

Be bigger than your problems.

Commit to continuous growth and continuous learning.

Act in spite of fear.

If you follow these steps you will begin to transform your money blueprint and reset your financial thermostat for natural and automatic success.

We live in 4 worlds: mental : emotional : spiritual are the roots = physical (fruits).

Positive Statements attract positive results : cause and effect

ie. Thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions which lead to results.

Money blueprint = financial thermostat

Wealth Steps

All change begins with awareness.

  1. You cannot change something unless you know it exists.

Non supportive Empowering point of view

Rich people are greedy // Rich people are generous

You have to work hard to make money //Takes creativity to make money

Money doesn't buy happiness // Money creates choices which make me happy

Money doesn't grow on trees // Money pours in from multiple sources

Money doesn't bring love // I can give generously to help others

We can't afford it I can afford anything, // I focus my power I change my life

What! am I made of money // Yes and yes I am, I am very very Rich!

Money is the root of all evil // The more money I have, the more I can help others

I'm too old to make a change // I'm young enough to learn more

REPEAT 3x each Empowering Statement DAILY - Words have power

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