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Too Attached To Your Things?

Dr. Shelley Kaehr I've been doing a lot of releasing lately. Letting go of material posessions big time. It always means something is coming, and so I will see what happens. Meanwhile, I feel light and refreshed after relinquishing attachment!

Dr. Shelley Kaehr I seriously dont have anything on the walls anymore!!! it is hilarious! I don't want anymore either, but the problem is I am likely to fill things up again at some point - only a matter of time. For now, it feels clear and that is good. Each thing that walks out of this place makes me feel lighter than I have ... See Morein a long time. What is the universe going to bring? I can't wait to see, but it always brings something when we let go. I have to believe it must be big and good because I always get rid of stuff but the deepening of this during the last round - letting go of things I have intense emotional bonds to - has been quite profound on some spiritual level.

It really is a wonderful life and today I found a treasure to add to my understanding of 'law of attraction.' I was invited to join Shelley's page and in a few seconds read something that just opened my eyes to a situation I had been going through. I'm so pleased to share.
Just recently I've started to declutter (knowing this is going to take time), and I gave away some old possessions that I had very intense emotional bonds to a previous life. I knew though that it was time to move them, so I let them go. After all and emotions aside I kept telling myself that I cannot keep hoarding things. 
I must confess that I did put them aside for a while, but in plain view, where I had to walk past them. The spot has stuff coming and going. Somethings sit for a while and I just say when I walk past - soon but not today. It's like waiting for the day when you're child starts school and the feelings of having to let go because it's the right thing to do and a good thing. You know the time is coming and you have time to get ready for it. 
Honestly, when I let some things go, I have mixed feelings, generally because of the attachment or should I say the memories that are attached to something, which could simply be a dress or jumper. 
Reading Shelley's comments really puts your actions into perspective. I'm feeling rather good about the whole process after reading this. 
I've been on a bit of a hunt and look what I found. Shelley is an author as well. That's another weakness of mine - collecting books.  

Happy days folks.

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