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Manifesting Formula

Being impulsive can be risky, but it's even more dangerous to cling doggedly to the past when the future is calling.

The key to manifesting has been around forever and is in the Bible. 
Matthew 21:22 "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
Be clear about what you want (as opposed to not asking or asking for the wrong things).
Believe that your request is being brought to you.
Receive when it shows up (often we fail to see that what we have asked for, even when it is knocking on the door).

And the final step is to acknowledge when it works for you by being grateful to the Universe.

If you want to manifest all your 'asks' and want to learn the how to train yourself in the way to think, speak and act then consider the following references:

And don't forget to visit AndySamuels page and find out how to make your own vision board for free.

"Today, I expect great things to happen. Love, success, money and abundance in all forms will find their way to me quickly and effortlessly."


  1. Excellent. Yes, it is important to speak so your achievements are attained. Prayers in the Bible were actually spoken or cried out loud. The world's major religions believe the earth was spoken into existance. So carefully meter your words. Have a great day.

  2. Spoken with true wisdom, thank you.
