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Think mini CliffsNotes for personal growth books – giving you more wisdom in less time.

Ask yourself: Where is my life now - Were do I want to be.

Without sounding like a sales person, because it really is up to you to help yourself achieve the best from your life now and to learn how to achieve any and all of your grand visions for the future - then you can either buy the book from amazon or get a sweet deal from Vishen Lakhiani on John Assaraf's successmanifestors

Listen to Vishen Lakhiani on growing from a young skinny, short kid, his face covered in pimples and wearing glasses that thick because he was legally blind to being in a perfect state of health, having all the money he could possibly need, all the food that he could possibly need and at only 34 years of age.

In the audio, Vishen talks about "what is it that is going on in my life that makes everything work out so well"
"bliss-cipline" "daily rituals" "Philosophers Notes" "Richard Branson" "The Secret."

And what 12 things you need to do - to create your future - successfully.

Look for yourself and see what Vishen is giving away on John's site - package includes DVDs, CDs, Journals, Philosophers Notes and more books.

Science Has Finally Cracked The Spiritual Code

Science Has Finally Cracked The Spiritual Code

Your Vision with Vishen Lakhiani #SuccessManifestors

John Assaraf interviews... Vishen Lakhiani 6/29/2010 #SuccessManifestors

Flood your heart with love and leave no room for doubt!

If you have love you will do all things well.  Thomas Merton

When the heart is flooded with love there is no room in it for fear, for doubt, for hesitation.  Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea 
Gift from the Sea: 50th Anniversary Edition

With a stout heart, a mouse can lift an elephant.  Tibetan proverb, A World Treasury of Folk Wisdom

Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me and I'll understand.

A Life Story in Five Chapters - Gary Ryan Blair

Parents of Teenagers:

Parents of Teenagers:

by AndySamuels

Changing the way you think can be a hard slog, given the effort and time taken to remind yourself to see every situation in a different light. Like trying to be positive for your own wellbeing, no matter how dark the situation can be at the time. For as you start along your new mindset journey, you do find those around you beginning to act differently. Most sad thinkers begin to lighten up or stay away from you. And for those that occupy your company, well, having fun and being happy, that just has to be the bees knees. Life does get better and better when you are with this crowd.
You know that I am not telling you anything new so why the introduction then you say. It was simply to share how the following experience came about. That's right, this is a story close to my heart and one I will be forever grateful to have been told, and one I hope, will inspire you to never give up on yourself. That success can be closer than you think. That what you think does count and to remember that the more passionate your desire is, the more quickly the thing you want, will spring up in your life.

"There is no passion to be found playing small
- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. ~ Nelson Mandela
In sharing my experience I cannot help but think that it is so true about hindsight being a beautiful thing when it comes to your children. I remember back to only a few years ago (the turbulent teenage years and your daughter) and to the doom and gloom that surrounded us. No conversation ever appeared to be constructive or positive and everything I tried seemed to backfire and no matter what I did or say could change the negative mindset that she had. A lot of personal soul searching came through this time for me as I really thought I was home and hosed, as the two older boys had travelled into manhood quite well and the only challenges I had were the terrible two's and three's. The younger generation today appear to believe that the whole world is against them, including us (parents), since we play a large part of their world.
Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!: Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your MindSomeone wonderful made a comment that I will never forget. The comment helped me to see things in a different light, that it wasn't anything that I had done or didn't do, that what she was going through wasn't about me. The comment was simply 'this is her journey,' and I pass that same comment on to others when I see them floundering.
Let them know you support them, love them and always have a home and hug for them and are walking with them through 'their journey' and that it is okay.
Dearie me, what a gloomy start but we finish well, I promise. So with those troubled times behind us and without further ado this is something my baby who has just turned 18, shared with me. Yes we made it and we share a lot about positive thinking, yes the law of attraction and a love of life, one where prosperity and abundance can be ours, if we want.
Most of us have seen or read the fantastic, self-discovery book, showing us how to manifest our dreams - The Secret. When I watched the secret - after my mum had niggled me for a week or two - my life changed. Immediately after watching the DVD of The Secret, I wanted to delve into this new world of thought. A world that helps you to understand your purpose and how to fulfill your life long dreams.
At first I was very skeptical about this ideology, "if you think the right way everything will come to you!" I thought all my prayers had been answered and life was going to give me everything I ever wanted (maybe not Johnny Depp). My mum was getting deep into the ways to manifest and think positively and showed me a new way to help the train of thought - mind movies.
I listened to a bloke on an Australian radio interview who talked about how he made a mind movie with roughly 30 items and of those 30 items he actually received 20 or so. I decided that because I had to see this to believe it, I would make my own.
Of all things, I had always wanted an IPhone (for free) and decided to put that in my mind movie. Not long after, I had one, and it was fantastic - it was second hand but looked brand new - and then one month after that I had a brand new Iphone sitting in my hands.
Life is about belief; belief that we aren't just toughing it alone, that there is someone or something out there. I am still skeptical to a degree about The Secret's ways but it has worked for me in everyday life. Whether it is getting the first car-park out the front of the Doctors (which I always get now) or getting the new IPhone; The Secret is about believing in yourself and loving yourself and by being a wonderful person you will attract everything you want - without the how involved. Maybe one day I will be sitting on the French Riviera with Mr Depp, and then I can say all my dreams have come true.

Life Visioning KitIt is my intention to inspire you. 

Remember "out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made" -Michael Beckwith 

I am learning many things from my daughter (yes the tables do turn), if you have a question and would like me to write about our experience or something specific, then please inspire me and let me know.
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."

Easy vision board with Animoto

Let's visualize your affirmations and create a 'Law of attraction' movie from scratch. What's Animoto? Animoto online can produce video pieces from your photos, video clips and music. You can use your own images and music or choose from their selection. Signing up with Animoto is free and they let you make free 30 second movies. If you want anything bigger or unlimited full length videos then you can sign up for Animoto Pro..
Once you have created your account and to make a short 30 second movie you just follow the 3 steps. For the 2 affirmation movies I created in just a few minutes, I used a combination of saved images and animoto images and music.
- I also included some of my list of affirmations. Here is a small list to help you get started with your own:
- I am truly happy
- I am so clever in creating opportunities
- I am grateful for love and true prosperity
- I am a good steward with my money
- I am very good at anything I put my mind to
- I am very healthy, I am loosing weight
- I am attractive and successful
- I am receiving financial abundance everyday
- I am successful and wealthy now
- I am grateful for a beautiful life of abundance
- I am rewarded for my efforts
- I am valuable
As you step through their stages and arrive at the final page you will see this message:
Animoto is now producing your greeting: Manifesting Affirmation
It will take us a few minutes to prepare your video creation. When it's done, it'll load into this page and we'll also email you so you don't have to keep your browser open. In the meantime, get started on another one! From there you can share out to your different sites: twitter, facebook, squidoo, there is a whole list to select from.
Happy producing and remember 'You create your world.'

How I started making vision boards

I remember the day I decided to have a go at making my first movie board. I spent most of the morning trying to decide what the hell I was going to make a movie about. I really had no idea where to start and to top it off I had no idea about using movie maker software. But I did have determination and plenty of enthusiasm.
So where did I begin? Well mindmovies are not new to me as I had bookmarked quite a few - some I use regularly for inspiration, some for meditation and others I keep bookmarked so that I can revisit in the future. Funnily enough when I revisit some of the bookmarked 'law of attraction movies' they are actually making some sense now. Anyway on with the vision board story.
The Complete Vision Board Kit: Using the Power of Intention and Visualization to Achieve Your DreamsSome of the music really gets you going and some, well it does not rock my world - so I set about looking through some of our cd collections and also trolling around on YouTube to see what did rock my world. It's like looking through an old photo box or memory box - you easily get lost in memories and stories about when I first heard that song, or I was doing this then...there is an abundance of music that help you put your vision together.
It's all about gathering all your ingredients together first before you set about moulding your masterpiece. Your ingredients consist of images, affirmations, music and software to glue it all together.
Making a vision movieboard helps me to focus on where I am going. I use it as a debriefing tool because when I am making a movie I forget all time, I become immersed in the creation itself and consequently I am oblivious to the 'now' reality. Being creative pushes you to another world, it opens up your learning capacity and when you pause to look back to check your progress, you amaze yourself. We really are brilliant creatures - so I spoil myself as often as possible and look forward to making these weekly.
And along the way I find some great tools to use. One of the affirmation boards I made using Animoto - you can make some free short movies. They also have great pricing plans for longer movies.
There is a wealth of information and vision board packages available out there. Start one today and keep adding to it.
Looking for inspiration on how to create a vision board then please share some free tools at and

Yes Please Jeeves

Clear the clutter, let go, create space - why do we do it?
We know to be happy in the now, to appreciate where we are at this time. For to focus only on being happy when we get there will not work with the universe. So what does this have to do with clearing the clutter? Clearing out our physical space is a mind cleansing exercise, it helps us to let go of attachment and to move through and clear any conflicting subconscious blocks. A clever Law of Attraction tool, personal in nature and very satisfying. 

Clearing personal space allows you to receive more. Yes it makes room for good things to come more quickly to you. Presently, I am in the middle of a huge, home, decluttering project. One that will be extended well into the remainder of the year. I cannot fathom why I have kept old dried flowers (certainly past their use by date), printers no longer working, old travel magazines, money magazines on mortgages, notebooks from years gone by and no longer useful. Clothes that are out of fashion and some now great for rags. What was I thinking?

Although it is satisfying to clear some of the mess, it remains that some of our possessions come with a strong emotional attachment. We have memories attached to them and that is what makes them valuable to us. And it is hard to let them go, even when you know it is time. As they say we are creatures of habit and it is that habit we strive to break.
So, I tell myself I cannot keep hoarding things especially since I want to bring more of what I have been asking for, into my life. As I clean through my house, i move certain objects that I have an intense emotional bond to, aside. I put them in plain view and say to myself "soon, but not today, soon I will be ready." It reminds me of baby's first day at school and the feelings of having to let go, because it was the right thing to do, and a good thing. You know the time is coming and you have time to prepare, and that's a good feeling.
In letting go, I have mixed feelings because of the attachment, the memories and to something as simple as a dress, a book or a hand painting.

Beyond Physical Reality: Expanding Awareness Through Holographic MappingThen something wonderful happens and you share another's experience and realise that it is a process to move through. Then you feel the excitement of knowing what you have asked for is coming. Isn't it a wonderful feeling.

Here's what I shared: Dr. Shelley Kaehr "I've been doing a lot of releasing lately. Letting go of material possessions big time. It always means something is coming, and so I will see what happens. Meanwhile, I feel light and refreshed after relinquishing attachment.
I seriously don't have anything on the walls anymore!!! It is hilarious! I don't want anymore either, but the problem is, I am likely to fill things up again at some point - only a matter of time. For now, it feels clear and that is good. Each thing that walks out of this place makes me feel lighter than I have. What is the universe going to bring? I can't wait to see, but it always brings something when we let go. I have to believe it must be big and good because I always get rid of stuff, but the deepening of this during the last round - letting go of things I have intense emotional bonds to - has been quite profound on some spiritual level."
Beyond Reality: Evidence of Parallel Universes
Shelley's comments really put things into perspective and enabled me to understand that the anxious feelings were just part of the clearing process. I look forward to completing the task and encourage anyone to use the web to find more supporting statements to assist you in your journey to abundance.

The effect of clearing your clutter may sound simple but it awakens in you, feelings that you did not know existed. Let go of the attachment, practice your 'clearing techniques' eg. tapping, mind movies, vision boards, meditation and relax knowing that you are on the path to fulfillment and this is a good thing.

Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom"If you are tired, keep going; if you are scared, keep going; if you are hungry, keep going; if you want to taste freedom, keep going." - Harriet Tubman

Great gifts and tools are available for you to use
Take a quick break and enjoy watching this 30 second affirmation. My gift to you

Life Insurance Policy For Living the Law of Attraction

We live in four worlds - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Think of it as a tree with spiritual as the roots and the physical our fruits. If we look after and care for our mental and emotional parts then we will direct success and abundance in all forms to ourselves. This is a great life insurance policy and free for you to set up.
Hypnotherapy for a Millionaire Mind (Based on the Teachings of T. Harv Eker)
Let us look to prune away negative feelings and statements that we are guilty of making and feed our mental being with personal quotes. For we know that positive statements attract positive results (fruits) and our thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions which lead to results, fantastic results.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of WealthGive yourself some support and prosper with changing your mindset or way of thinking. Rework your thoughts from non supportive statements to empowering yourself. We truly deserve to be happy and free, more happy and more free. Yes I deserve to be, I want to be, I can be, I will be, I am.

Where I once thought: "You have to work hard to make money" I now say "It takes creativity to make money, I am creative. Yes I am a powerful and resourceful creator."
Where I was told over and over "Money doesn't grow on trees" I now say "Money consistently flows to me from numerous sources. My life is now filled with prosperity and abundance."
And remember "We can't afford it" I say to the universe "I can afford anything, I focus my power, I change my life, I am wealthy and successful in all that I do."
Change your way of thinking and create affirmations or quotes that are believable to you - feed your emotions by repeating your affirmations or statements daily, so that it becomes a natural response. 'I am' statements are the most powerful of affirmations you can use. Raise your awareness and poster your quotes, display them on a big screen, laptop or desktop. They will become your insurance policy to the future creating a life of limitless potential.

Warrior MindsetThis next statement isn't about wearing contact lenses but clarifies your perspective:
"Vision without a task is only a dream. A task without a vision is but drudgery. BUT vision with a task is a dream fulfilled." Willie Stone

My inner world creates my outer world.
I can be kind, loving, balanced and really really rich.
I am bigger than any problem.
I can handle any problem.
I accomplish all my financial goals with ease.
I can grow myself & learn my way to success.
I am clever and accomplish any task I put my mind to - forex trading.
I act in spite of fear, uncertainty, inconvenience, discomfort - in spite of everything!
I am responsible for everything that is happening in my life.
My life is like living on Pompano Beach.
What you focus on expands, this is the Universal Law. You see, the mind creates what you hold in it, providing you have cleared any conflicting subconscious blocks. Try some clearing techniques to clear your negative emotions. You don't need an online degree to know what makes you feel happy, to know what lifts your spirit.
Be grateful and celebrate your success. This will result in an increase in your overall happiness.
Saint Augustine said "faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."
I am truly happy and I deserve to be, thank you.
I am happy and grateful to be so clever in creating opportunities.
I am grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources, on a continuous basis.
I am so happy that the universe provides clear signs to me to follow.
I am grateful for love and true prosperity.
I am clever, I achieve everything I put my mind to, so that I can have everything I desire.
My life is full of joy, thank you.
I am so happy that I make great things happen.
I live a life of abundance, thank you.
I recognise opportunities all around me, thank you.
I am so grateful for the strength my family gives to me.
I am so grateful to share the life of a wonderful caring man.
I truly am blessed with healthy children, thank you.
I am having so much fun creating, thank you.
I have complete freedom over my time, that makes me very happy and grateful, thank you.
Create your world and live!

"Some people die at twenty-five and aren't buried until they are seventy-five." -- Benjamin Franklin

You are a creator and free tools are available for you to use
I believe that today great things will happen. Success, love, money and abundance in all forms will find their way to me quickly and effortlessly."

Australia 'Some things are free'

Click to join freecycle_Blue_Mountains

Click to join freecycle_Blue_Mountains

A great Australian concept that is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! Nonprofit groups are also welcome to participate too!

One constraint: everything posted must be free. This network is brought to you by a nonprofit organization and a movement of people interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills. 

Really helpful when you are decluttering!

Well behaved women rarely make history. --Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Hoping something happens?


May 30th, 2010

Camogli, Italy. It’s a stretch to make this image relevant to the sermon below, but these guys know that talking about fishing isn’t going to bring the fish in. Neither is looking at the boat and hoping something happens.
Goethe is frequently quoted as saying:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!
It’s likely he never said it quite this way, but the quote holds, and is relevant to this post. I’ve been reading a couple books lately. The first is ReWork, by Jason Fried. The second is Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky. Both intersect at the idea of work. In fact, a third book – The 4-Hour WorkWeek, Timothy Ferris – intersects here as well. Belsky especially is relevant to what we do, whether we do it as working photographers or not. I tell you all that so you know my sources as I get up on my soapbox.
As the so-called Creative Class you and I put a lot of stock in the value of ideas. Inspiration. Creativity. We often do not put a lot of stock into work. In fact work is often set up as the opposite of artistic endeavors. Where Belsky rocked my world is in pointing out that how great your idea is means almost nothing without the will to carry it out. And to do that you need motivation and organization and perseverance and the willingness to get up at 5am if that’s what it takes (don’t look at me, pretty sure my muse wouldn’t ask me to do that. That’s crazy talk. But for some people…).
You can generate idea after idea, fill your Moleskine notebooks so jam-packed with great ideas the world would fall down at your feet if only they knew how creative you were. But the trap lies in thinking that coming up with the ideas is where the value is. It isn’t. The value lies in your ability to execute. Forget all the hundreds of ideas. Pick one. And do it. Then pick another, and do it too.
We get paralyzed sometimes by too many options. A million ideas and we’re stuck because we can’t pick one. Stop it. Pick one. Move forward.
How does this apply? For working photographers or those who aspire to it – pick one project and do it. Finish it. Then do another. Which one? Who cares! Pick the one you most want to do, the one your dog wants you to do, or the one on the top of the list. But pick one, and do it. Because picking the “wrong one” and getting it done puts you in motion and is better than doing nothing at all. It’s the same with your day to day tasks. I know, you’ve got too much to do. Lord knows my calendars and to-do lists have never been so long, so I feel your pain. Don’t stare at it, don’t whine. Just pick the thing at the top of the list – or better – the one you most dread doing, and begin. Just begin.
And for the ones who just do this for fun – same thing. Begin. Pick a project. Begin. Work it through. Then finish it. Nothing helps us move forward like momentum; beginning is the hardest part. Get in motion, and watch things begin to fall into place.
You are not creative until you actually create something. The root word itself requires that. That old adage about creativity being 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration? It’s true. Don’t let your piles of notes and your great-sounding ideas lull you into thinking you’re making progress. You make progress when you begin. Ideas are great, but they’re no substitute for the thrill of creation, of seeing that idea become real. All you need to do is begin. And then finish. But beginning is the hard part. There are a million excuses – we’re too busy is the best one. But isn’t it interesting how the Too-Busy still have time for Lost and American Idol? How they’re always talking about their next great idea? How they – and by “they” I mean “we” because I’m the first one that needs to hear this sermon – are always talking about photography more than they are actually making photographs. Watch TV if you like, just don’t complain you don’t have enough time. And don’t try that “but I watch TV to get inspired!” line with me, most of us don’t need more inspiration. We need to begin acting on the inspiration we’ve already been given.
Timothy Ferris is a good read on this. The first thing he suggests is to adopt a low-information diet. Fried says decision are progress: stop thinking about projects, make a decision and move forward. Belsky suggests you adopt a life with a strong bias towards action. I suggest the same thing when you get stalled. Stop thinking about it. Stop complaining about it. Just begin. I’m not sure there’s magic in it, but power certainly. You will get more done than most creatives by taking that first step.

I know this post doesn’t seem photographically relevant but the fact is most of us have enough technical knowledge and at least one good idea. What we need is to get moving. Heck, even a mediocre idea – even a BAD idea – once in motion is better than a good one that never finds legs. At least the bad idea in motion has a chance of becoming a better idea and one day actually becoming something more than an idea. Begin!

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David duChemin is a world & humanitarian photographer, best-selling author, and international workshop leader. David uses his powers for good and not for evil. This is his blog.


Urgent Update John Assaraf

Dear Mooi, John here...

Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, the
Success Manifestors series must be postponed by 2 weeks and will commence on Tuesday June 15, 2010. To make sure you don't miss a beat, we will be sending you a free gift interview each week for next two weeks to make sure you continue to receive great information and tools to enhance your life.

John Assaraf

Showing Gratitude