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Too Attached To Your Things?

Dr. Shelley Kaehr I've been doing a lot of releasing lately. Letting go of material posessions big time. It always means something is coming, and so I will see what happens. Meanwhile, I feel light and refreshed after relinquishing attachment!

Dr. Shelley Kaehr I seriously dont have anything on the walls anymore!!! it is hilarious! I don't want anymore either, but the problem is I am likely to fill things up again at some point - only a matter of time. For now, it feels clear and that is good. Each thing that walks out of this place makes me feel lighter than I have ... See Morein a long time. What is the universe going to bring? I can't wait to see, but it always brings something when we let go. I have to believe it must be big and good because I always get rid of stuff but the deepening of this during the last round - letting go of things I have intense emotional bonds to - has been quite profound on some spiritual level.

It really is a wonderful life and today I found a treasure to add to my understanding of 'law of attraction.' I was invited to join Shelley's page and in a few seconds read something that just opened my eyes to a situation I had been going through. I'm so pleased to share.
Just recently I've started to declutter (knowing this is going to take time), and I gave away some old possessions that I had very intense emotional bonds to a previous life. I knew though that it was time to move them, so I let them go. After all and emotions aside I kept telling myself that I cannot keep hoarding things. 
I must confess that I did put them aside for a while, but in plain view, where I had to walk past them. The spot has stuff coming and going. Somethings sit for a while and I just say when I walk past - soon but not today. It's like waiting for the day when you're child starts school and the feelings of having to let go because it's the right thing to do and a good thing. You know the time is coming and you have time to get ready for it. 
Honestly, when I let some things go, I have mixed feelings, generally because of the attachment or should I say the memories that are attached to something, which could simply be a dress or jumper. 
Reading Shelley's comments really puts your actions into perspective. I'm feeling rather good about the whole process after reading this. 
I've been on a bit of a hunt and look what I found. Shelley is an author as well. That's another weakness of mine - collecting books.  

Happy days folks.

New Lens

Rocking with a new lens

Money Sucess Love - Have It NOW

If you're like me, you've spent a lot of time and money trying to answer life's big questions...

   * How do I live a happy and loving life?
   * How do I achieve as much success as I possibly can?
   * How do I stay healthy and happy along the way?
   * How do I contribute so my life has even more purpose and meaning?
   * How do I become financially wealthy?

John Assaraf has the answers to these questions here:

That's why I want you to join in an awesome teleseminar series – and the best part is, it won't cost you a dime!

It's called Success Manifestors and it's produced by John Assaraf the founder and CEO of OneCoach. John Assaraf is a two time New York Times bestselling author, lecturer, consultant and consummate entrepreneur. His expertise on achieving success in life has landed him on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360, Ellen DeGeneres and numerous radio and print media worldwide. He has consulted for Hollywood stars, politicians and CEO's worldwide and appeared as one of the featured experts in the movie "The Secret" which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. In addition he appeared in the PBS special "Quest for Success" with the Dali Lama and Richard Branson. Today John has committed his life to helping individuals achieve financial freedom and the lifestyle of their Dreams.

Watch John's cool video and sign up here...

John will be interviewing 24 of the world's top thought leaders about how to achieve the success you've always dreamed of having.

Here is a sampling of the amazing experts who will be a part of this series...

Starr Hall
Starr is a bestselling author whose latest book, Get Connected, The Social Networking Toolkit for Business, was just released worldwide. She has relationships with over 1200 editors, writers and segment producers worldwide and has A-list placement with Oprah Magazine, The Today Show, The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Los Angeles Times and Good Morning America. With hundreds of client recommendations and media endorsements, Starr is known for helping her clients get massive media coverage, word of mouth buzz and higher profits though social media. She is a regular columnist for and American Express Small Business Open Forum.

Ellie Drake
As an inspirational and motivational speaker, doctor and successful entrepreneur, Dr. Ellie Drake is in demand by entrepreneurs around the world, empowering everyone taking their first steps on the path of achieving prosperity. With her deep understanding of the keys to success, along with her heartfelt compassion, Dr. Ellie Drake elicits an overwhelming response in everyone who attends her motivational seminars. She is the Founder of the largest global online community for Entrepreneurial Women, a community all about Inspiration in Action.

Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy has led several business ventures, including two personal-development based television networks, The People’s Network (TPN) and The Success Training Network (TSTN). As publisher and editorial director of SUCCESS Magazine, he has interviewed leading experts on human performance and achievement, as well as many of today’s top CEOs, revolutionary entrepreneurs, superstar athletes, entertainers and Olympic champions, to learn their unique secrets to their extraordinary success. Darren regularly appears on national radio and TV including CNBC’s The Big Idea, MSNBC’s Your Business, CBS 11 in New York City, ABC’s America This Morning show, FOX Business Morning Show and many others.

Vishen Lakhiani
Vishen Lakhiani is the co-founder of the fun, quirky, award winning-company MindValley, which comprises of 40 incredibly smart young people from some 20 different countries. Vishen and his crew at MindValley work with authors, thinkers, revolutionaries and leaders who have pioneered new ways of doing traditional things: parenting, entrepreneurship, spiritual growth, self-development and more. The result is a new kind of publishing company; one that merges software, mixed media, video, and social networks to put authors in the personal development movement in front of the internet generation while bypassing traditional media like printed books.

There are 24 speakers in all including: Amilya Antonetti, Greg Habstritt, Natalie Ledwell, Bill Harris, Dr. Sue Morter, Lee Milteer, Bill Walsh, Max Simon, Robin Crow, Bobbi DePorter, Dov Baron, Doug Bench, Dr. Brian Alman, Fabienne Fredrickson, Ken Foster, Harrison Klein, Barnet Meltzer MD, and more. Wow!

They'll be sharing the best of the best strategies, tactics and processes we know to help you get from where you are to where you want to be faster and easier than ever before.

This three month weekly training is completely free to you!

All I ask is that you help us help millions of people by telling your friends and family about it and talk about it on your Facebook, Twitter and blog if you have one.

Seriously, take advantage of this and grab your seat before it fills up...

After you register, keep an eye out for John's email with your details for listening in on the calls.

Also, be sure to click on the special link in John's email and grab your bonus gifts he's got for you. They're all yours just for enrolling in this free series.

P.S. John just told me there's a limited number of seats and they're going to go FAST.

P.P.S. By the way, if you can't make the LIVE calls Every Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 PM Eastern (3:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Pacific) starting Tuesday June 1, 2010.

These calls will be recorded and will be available after each show for a limited time so you won't miss a thing. Make sure you sign up now to get these recordings.

We'll send you the web address of the recording as soon as it's posted on our website. Sign up right now, while it's fresh on your mind...

John Assaraf Has The Answer

In the market to achieving extraordinary results with John's help? 

Go to John Assaraf's site to get your free gifts - make sure you use his subliminals, they are very good.

Below is a must book:

"This book is the first AND ONLY one I've seen that teaches you how to harness all three of the laws of attraction; gestation AND action together, to make extraordinary things start happening in your business right away!"
-Jay Abraham, Marketing Guru, author of Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got

30 Second Affirmations "I am a success"

Create your own video slideshow at

30 Second Affirmations "Attract"

Create your own video slideshow at

Surrender and Win

An exercise for surrendering: 
Imagine being atop a 5 or 10 meter diving platform. Then imagine yourself doing a backflip into the pool below. Done repeatedly, it will enable you to go deeper into the flow and likewise trusting spirit to draw to you the highest and best outcome with respect to any problem/challenge you may be faced with.

Manifesting Formula

Being impulsive can be risky, but it's even more dangerous to cling doggedly to the past when the future is calling.

The key to manifesting has been around forever and is in the Bible. 
Matthew 21:22 "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
Be clear about what you want (as opposed to not asking or asking for the wrong things).
Believe that your request is being brought to you.
Receive when it shows up (often we fail to see that what we have asked for, even when it is knocking on the door).

And the final step is to acknowledge when it works for you by being grateful to the Universe.

If you want to manifest all your 'asks' and want to learn the how to train yourself in the way to think, speak and act then consider the following references:

And don't forget to visit AndySamuels page and find out how to make your own vision board for free.

"Today, I expect great things to happen. Love, success, money and abundance in all forms will find their way to me quickly and effortlessly."

Believe what you do not see

Saint Augustine said: "Faith is to believe what you do not see and the reward of this faith is to see what you believe." 

Animoto Magic - Affirmation

Create your own video slideshow at

Manifesting Affirmation

Manifesting Affirmation

Create your own video slideshow at

I am abundant, I am manifesting

Desire abundance? Try this.....

from Wealth & Wisdom

I AM statements are THE most powerful statements you will ever make about yourself and to the Universe. You actually manifest on a vibratory level (first level for manifesting anything) by the statements you make about yourself. The Universe is always listening and always giving you what you believe to be true about you. The moment you utter the words, "I am abundant" you set in motion a series of events and opportunities that will allow for your statement to come true. However, if using I AM statements in such a way that promotes lack in your life, the Universe will again bring you events and situations for you to manifest lack.
Consider starting today, exercises that will assist you in experiencing abundance, this can take the form of repeating a mantra out loud.
A good example for manifesting prosperity are the following mantra's :
I AM manifesting large sums of money, free and clear, here and now.
I AM receiving with ease and grace here and now always and in all ways.
Wealth & Wisdom blessings,
Mooi's Law of Attraction Vision Board - I Am Woman

Food For Thought

I remember when I was younger coming home and as you rounded the corner of the house, smelling something wonderful cooking. You wished with all your might that it was coming from your house and not your neighbours. Then as you opened the door - you are greeted by a truly delightful smell. Yes it's our dinner and I think it's a pot roast.
Then, when you left home, the crock-pot almost became a hand-me-down. More here
I get carried away reading and learning about the Law Of Attraction - this is a great idea to managing my time with doing exactly that! Food for thought!


Simply amazing the goodies we can get today - "I want one"

Something to warm your souls with

Crock-Pot Recipe Corner
I have fallen in and out of love with my 'inherited' crockpot over the years. This past week - I have had a renewed interest in the crockpot and knitting. Probably due to starting  a declutter exercise at home and finding things you had forgotten about that were tucked away, throughout the house. Most of the recipes I have inherited and some I have found in various old books that I used when I was a 'wee lass.'  Lee M. Anderson

Huai Yu

“Huai Yu” — means “to be embraced by the universe.”
Huai Yu

Tools To Create Your Vision Board

Here are a few tools to use in creating a vision board:

The Custom Mind Movies Series Uses Cutting Edge Subliminal Visual And Audio Technology To Help People Manifest Their Dreams And Desires By Helping Them To Activate The Law Of Attraction.
Click Here!

Vision Board Software Helps People To Create A Digital Vision Board That Can Be Saved For A Screen Saver, A Background Or Taken To A Photo Processing Store And Create A 20x16 Poster Suitable For Framing.
Click Here!

Attractor Genie is a popular Law Of Attraction Product.
Click Here!

Creating Abundance (John Assaraf) - discover the key to tapping into the unlimited flow of abundance in your life.
Click Here!

Secrets of Creating Wealth - Discover The Amazing 'Power Of The Third Influence.'
Click Here!

The Ultimate Life Guide - Genuine Mind Power And Natural Laws Of The Universe Explained In Detail.
Click Here!

Click Here!

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
- Thomas A. Edison

Create Your Vision

Create Your World
I was inspired to create my own vision board after listening to John Assaraf tell his story of how he manifested his giant mansion. In his story he related how his mansion came to be and of then finding a picture of this very same mansion on one of the vision boards he had previously made - when he first started his journey, some years before.

Read more from AndySamuels Hub

Audi R8 - Designed to take your breath away.

The breathtaking design is recognisable the moment it appears in a rear view mirror!

Polka dots
Aaah nearly home, I'm thinking 15 more minutes tops and I will be pulling into the driveway - what a relief.

Ooh I wish I had driven the 'good' car today - I could be relaxing more and enjoying luxury at it's best (well in my little world), but no, since I was drving into the City I thought it would be easier to take the old car.

I glance around and see some really nice cars. but one takes my eye. It's blue and very old - it's a bomb and I wonder to myself 'how in the hell did that one make the safety check, I sigh. Traffic is a little heavy and I can't wait to be out of it. I reassure myself that just around the next hill will be the turn-off and home.

I check my right side mirror and 'holy smokes' what the hell - I say - what the hell is that? Oh my God, I feel a rush of excitement, it's an unfamiliar sight to behold and something I haven't seen this close. Here it comes.

Now what in blazes is it, boy is it a stunner. I see a sleek silver sports car, dark windows - she just purrs on up to me, sits as if to tease, then hums on past. Only one car length away - OMG it's an Audi R8 - thank God for heavy traffic I say to myself!

I'm thinking maybe I don't want to turn off in the next 5 seconds and go home after all. My heart skips a beat and I yell out "I want one."

In a few short seconds I was hooked and I couldn't get enough. I'm in love. So until the driveway is sorted out for my new R8 I'm going to write about it.

Oh and apparently there is still no news on when the R8 GT will go on sale but rumours from Audi is that it will retail for 193,000 Euros, or roughly $256,000 U.S.

Squidoo Lens by AndySamuels

MANIFESTING & LAW OF ATTRACTION: "What do I do when others are negative....How do I 'Allow?'"

MANIFESTING & LAW OF ATTRACTION: "What do I do when others are negative....How do I 'Allow?'"

When I Dream

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Working the Science of Getting Rich 'Schirmer'

David Schirmer: … it is a FREE download of my 2-day Science of Getting Rich workshop … it will change your life!

Schirmer 'Create Your Order' Law of Attraction

Change Your Life

I will probably tell you a lot you already know about the Law of Attraction.

A great wise man once said “Be doers of the word, not hearers only, otherwise you deceive yourself.” – James 1:22 … even I don’t do what I know at times!

Your mind and body is ALWAYS a reflection of your spirit realm or thought realm. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Ignorance (a lack of knowledge or understanding) leads to worry and doubt, which leads to fear, which leads to depression, lack, poverty in every area of ones life, sickness, even death.

All depression and hopelessness come from the mind being in chaos or lack of order. For example, chaos in our financial thoughts leads to financial lack; chaos in our in our health thoughts lead to disease and sickness; chaos in our vision leads to depression. This may seem logical and simple, but if only the world would grasp it with understanding!

To change our results from lack to abundance, we must first create order in our mind. This was God’s first act of recreation: To create order on this formless void planet. (Genesis 1:2)

The Apostle Paul said in Romans that you have to renew you mind. “Do not be conformed to this world, fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs, but be transformed (changed) by the entire renewal of your mind, by its new ideas and its new attitude, so that you may prove for yourself what is the perfect, acceptable and good will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in His sight for you.” – Romans 12:2

What Paul was saying is don’t be like the world around you, your present circumstances and environment; but rather change what you think about and focus on, create your perfect life with your God given gift of imagination and hold that image with your will until your mind is renewed, just like God did when He created this world.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18. No wonder we life in a generation of frustrated people, most have no vision for their life, or at best a confused or negative vision.

The way we feel and act is always according to our subconscious images, whether we know, understand or believe it or not. Therefore our results in every area of our lives are because of our thoughts! And because we can control our thoughts we are also responsible for our results.

All creation waits for our thoughts so it can evolve at a faster pace – yet it cannot go backwards. So if we continually look backwards at our past results or even at our present results the world around us continues to move forward but we get ’stuck’ or cannot move forward.

“All creation waits with eager longing for its revealing though the sons of God.” – Romans 8:19. How exciting – that creation itself is waiting for us, for what God has to reveal through us. Most people though are still looking backwards in pain or forward in fear rather than in excited expectation of revelation now.

It is very easy to tell where a person is by what they speak out. We always speak what we believe. While people continue to speak out their lack, poverty, sickness or being stuck, they will remain there!

The answer is simple: “If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you will be saved.” That is not just some Christian belief for eternal salvation … it is a universal law, God’s law of creation from the beginning of time, it’s the gift all human’s where given so that they can create “heaven on earth“. Jesus tried to teach the world of this basic fact, yet most will deny Him and continue to live hell on earth because they do not listen. He said, “They have ears but do not hear.” – The kingdom is within you!!

Why am I telling you this? Let me put it another way:

1. VISION – you MUST have a clear vision of how you want your life to be. This is where most people miss it. Without a vision you WILL perish, you will never achieve your dreams & goals. Get REALLY clear on every aspect of your life; write it out in present tense and in vivid detail. Write and Speak only in terms of your new life.

2. PURPOSE – Why do you want it? How does your new life feel? Who is proud of you?

3. FAITH – Knowing that it is already yours! “When you pray, pray believing that it already is yours, and it WILL be yours.” – Mark 11:24 Again, never speak about what you don’t want or complain about you ‘lot in life’ – ONLY speak about what is yours to come but as if you already have it!

4. GRATITUDE – Gratitude moves us closer to the source. Give ALL the glory to God as He gives all things to you, even your very breath. James said even be grateful for your challenges because mixed with faith it creates in us endurance and patience! (James 1:2-4) Speaking gratitude always increases our faith – if ever you find yourself lacking faith speak out loud what you are grateful for, especially your new life.

5. ACTION – You have probably heard it before … Faith without works is dead! Many people watch The Secret and then think all they have to do is sit at the kitchen table and hum, or buy a lotto ticket and they will be blessed with truckloads of money. It ain’t gunna happen!! We must ‘ACT in accordance to our Faith.’ Jesus said “I only do what my father does.

What did His father do?

God looked at a world that was without form and void, and darkness we upon the face of the earth … and He complained and said “Boy, its dark down there. What a mess. I’m stuck and that place is hopeless … that place is still dark and void what is going on … how come my life is always like this … if only someone would help me fix it … I’m going to quit … Boy it’d dark down there!!!!!” No … God said “Let there be light … and there was light.” – Genesis 1:3

You have the POWER of God in you, as a believer you can turn darkness into light … you can speak truth and light to the darkness. Whatever mountain you are facing right now speak the truth to it. If you are not closing deals or getting more clients, if you don’t have a happy fulfilled relationship, if your bank account looks really sick … don’t tell anyone – just speak the truth you desire. If you are struggling financially, don’t EVER speak about your poverty and lack, only speak about the wealth that is coming to you. If your relationship is not exactly how want it, speak exactly how it must be.

Jesus said “Be healed” and sickness departed! We must do what our Father does!

1. The first step is you create your new life … use your imagination like you have never used it before; create a life of health, abundance and prosperity with no thought of how it is going to happen or fear that you can’t. Write down exactly how you want your new life in every aspect and detail. Be precise – don’t just write I want more money or more clients, what exactly do you want?

2. Re-write your new life out EVERY day and put emotion in it … this is the WHY or the purpose. Continue this every day for 28 days.

3. Speak out loud your new life with gratitude, knowing that it is done. Only ask for it once and from then on be grateful for having received it.

4. Take whatever actions you can at the present time towards receiving your new life – the most efficient action you can do each day is hold the image of your new life on the screen of your mind while continually giving praise and glory to God.


Much love and many blessings,

David Schirmer

Your Link To The Universe

If you sit and relax and get yourself in tune with the Universe and open yourself to the flow of it's power, then sitting is not laziness, in fact, it is about the best way to renew your power!

Click here for a moment to reflect

Faith is all I need

Faith is all that dreamers need to see into the future.

Mooi Affirmations 'Empower Me to Wealth'

Law of Attraction Formula Works Every Time

Why the law of attraction won't work In A positive way for 99.9% of people

Steve Diamond writes "John--This was great. Now, "you don't know me but" I'm proud to say I've been to that lovely pool of yours, at night, last T-giving, for a fundraiser. But let me get to the point -- I want to make sure I get this right. It sounds like you said that: a) Visualization, b) affirmations, c) developing a blueprint/plan, and d) taking the right actions ... See Morein the right order...are the best ways to align the conscious with the subconscious. Others, please correct any inaccuracies or expand on what I wrote. Thanks!

John Assaraf
Hey Steve- add mediation pls and great to have you on here.

Join John Assaraf on Facebook to read more.

The law of Attraction - go get that goal

My wealth secrets - Rich, Rich, Very Rich

Don't ignore these wealth secrets:

2. No Complaining for 7 days.
3. Start taking full responsibility for everything that is happening in your life.
4. Commit to making 10x amount you are earning right now: Income $1M/year & Assets $10M

Rich people believe
I create my life
Play the money game to win
Admire & model other rich, success people
Bigger than their problems
Act in spite of fear
Get uncomfortable

Unsuccessful people believe
Life happens to me ie. They play role of victim: blame/justify/complain
Play defensive game - not to loose
Resent all rich & successful people
Are smaller than their problems
Let fear stop them
Stay in comfort zone

Universal Law = What you focus on expands!

Why get rich?
Lifestyle, longevity (will live longer), contribution, who you have to become in character/mindset.

Yes and yes - I am doing it!!

I Declare That I am Rich, Very Rich


My inner world creates my outer world.
I am creating the exact level of my financial success.
I recommit to wealth and helping thousands of people along the way.
I have a higher purpose for creating wealth.
I can be kind, loving, balanced and really really rich.
I'm bigger than any problem.
I can handle any problem.
I can grow myself & learn my way to success.
I act in spite of fear, uncertainty, inconvenience, discomfort - in spite of everything!

I am really really rich - mindset


Your money blueprint will determine your financial success.

You can change your money blueprint.

One of the ways to change your money blueprint is to adopt wealthy ways of thinking.

They include taking full accountability for everything that happens in your life, especially your financial life.

Playing the money game to win.

I want you to commit to abundance instead of just survival and security. Commit to creating wealth not just for yourself but also to assist others.

Admire, bless and study rich and successful people.

Always think in terms of both instead of either/or. You know you can have your cake and eat it too.

Be bigger than your problems.

Commit to continuous growth and continuous learning.

Act in spite of fear.

If you follow these steps you will begin to transform your money blueprint and reset your financial thermostat for natural and automatic success.

We live in 4 worlds: mental : emotional : spiritual are the roots = physical (fruits).

Positive Statements attract positive results : cause and effect

ie. Thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions which lead to results.

Money blueprint = financial thermostat

Wealth Steps

All change begins with awareness.

  1. You cannot change something unless you know it exists.

Non supportive Empowering point of view

Rich people are greedy // Rich people are generous

You have to work hard to make money //Takes creativity to make money

Money doesn't buy happiness // Money creates choices which make me happy

Money doesn't grow on trees // Money pours in from multiple sources

Money doesn't bring love // I can give generously to help others

We can't afford it I can afford anything, // I focus my power I change my life

What! am I made of money // Yes and yes I am, I am very very Rich!

Money is the root of all evil // The more money I have, the more I can help others

I'm too old to make a change // I'm young enough to learn more

REPEAT 3x each Empowering Statement DAILY - Words have power